[selenium-users] NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception
sumitha s
2018-12-10 16:24:59 UTC

we are using phantomjs driver to execute our selenium test cases. we are
running around 40 test cases, we are seeing the below exception during our
run, we are unable to see all the 40 with success, most of the times it
fails with the below error,

timestamp[2018-12-06 08:47:49.421] priority[INFO] category[root]
message[driver after Page source
[java] [ERROR - 2018-12-06T15:48:35.484Z] Session
[34d911c0-f96e-11e8-8428-9fe1fe8a29c7] - page.onError - msg: NETWORK_ERR:
XMLHttpRequest Exception 101: A network error occured in synchronous
[java] [ERROR - 2018-12-06T15:48:35.484Z] Session
[34d911c0-f96e-11e8-8428-9fe1fe8a29c7] - page.onError - stack:
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] (anonymous function)
[java] timestamp[2018-12-06 08:48:36.591] priority[INFO]
category[root] message[Sleeping for 1000 milliseconds.]
[java] [ERROR - 2018-12-06T15:51:57.608Z] WebElementLocator -
_handleLocateCommand - Element(s) NOT Found: GAVE UP. Search Stop Time:
[java] [INFO - 2018-12-06T15:51:57.741Z] ShutdownReqHand - _handle -
About to shutdown
[java] timestamp[2018-12-06 08:51:57.684] priority[ERROR]
category[root] message[~~~Selenium user exception. Shutting down the driver
only.] thread[SanityTest_steadyState]
[java] org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:
{"errorMessage":"Unable to find element with xpath
[java] Command duration or timeout: 200.09 seconds

I have googled it, it shows to set the web security false, i already tried
it, its not working. Any suggestions please?
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